
Moon Scripts - WTN SniperWhat is a WTN Sniper?

A WTN Sniper is a CLI bot used to auto-accept offers from the Wethenew Seller Space Site. This is helpful and useful so that you don't miss out on a good offer sent to you due to accepting too slowly.


If you had already setup the bot before please make sure to:

โ— Delete all old files/folders. โ— Delete MoonCLI and MoonScripts directory from AppData > Local & AppData > Local > Programs. To do it you can search %appdata% on your taskbar.

If not, please continue. 1. Download the bot through Whop. You can download the bot and take your key HERE.

2. Create MoonCLI folder on Desktop.

3. Put MOON_CLI.exe inside MoonCLI folder .

4. Run MOON_CLI.exe and and it will install the latest version available. After you can delete the MOON_CLI.exe if you want.

5. Run the latest version that has been installed and fill in the requested information. All documents will be downloaded automatically.

6. Next, open the config file and fill it out with your information.

โ— License key You can find it in your email or in your Whop profile.

โ— Delay If you run on Local host start with 15000 and if everything is okey and you didn't get ban you can try go down by 500: 14500 -> 14000 -> 13500. If you run with proxies start with 5000 and go down by 500: 4500 -> 4000 -> 3500.

โ— Reject offers If you want the bot to reject all offers below the minimum price you have to set it up as true. If you donยดt want it to reject all offers when they are below the minimum price you have to set it up as false.

โ— Discord Webhook Create a server, make a webhook and paste it in. This is how you will be notified when a sale is made.

โ— Email Your email from WTN account.

โ— Password Your password from WTN account.

After having completed step 5 correctly, the only information you would have to fill out is the discord webhook and change the delay.

7. Next we will set up the sniper.csv bot to snipe the sneaker of your choice. Run the bot and select the first option 1. Show Listings (Export sniper.csv), then you have to write Y to export your listings correctly and press enter to return to menu. The bot will fill out all the sections and you will only have to configure the minimum price of the sneakers you want to snipe. Save this file and you are ready.

8. Select the third option 3. Sniper and leave the bot running. When WTN sends an offer you can be sure that you will receive the desired outcome.

Last updated