
Onyx has an option to use global, serverside quicktasks for instantanuos product input.

To use Quicktasks, you have to setup your quicktask.csv task file (inside the quicktask folder).

Fill in the following fields:

  • STORE -> amazon / shopify



For the task and proxy files, you have enter the name of a file in the matching module folder. (for example if you have a file called "test.csv" in your amazon folder, you would input "test.csv" into the TASKFILE field.)

To start the quicktasks, input q in the main menu and select your quicktask.csv file. Onyx will then connect to our server and wait for you to remotely input a product. To Start the Tasks, you can either click a qt link in your cookgroups monitor channel or manually enter a product link here To use our quicktasking system, you have to login once using your onyx license key. You can login here

When starting a quicktask, onyx will override the INPUT in your selected task file (so you can use basically any taskfile for quicktasks and don't have to make a special one). The program will use the size input from your task file.

Thats it :)

Last updated