๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธBotting General Knowledge

We created a small overview for you GOATs what you should know about Botting as a beginner and tips that will help you to create success as fast as possible!


Botting is a very commonly used feature in today's world, especially in the reselling scene. That's what we are gonna look at today!

Botting is basically a complex of different components which will end up getting you your desired item. There is a ton of different ways to bot.

You might ask yourself "That's great, but how do I actually start???" The really short answer would be:

  1. get a bot

  2. get proxies

  3. get accounts, if you need that for your desired product

  4. purchase a captcha-key, if desired for your needs

1. Bot

All bots are different and have their different way of fulfilling their service. Furthermore most of today's websites use different shop systems, which means for us: For every slight change the website has through out the checkout process, we need to slightly change the way how the bots work.

There is one exeption SHOPIFY Shopify is a very common used system for online shops. Although it's shopify there can be changes aswell.

In general you can remember that a shopify bot can bot every shopify site, exept if it's a custom shopify site.

2. Accounts

As already mentioned above, for each site there can be different requirements to purchase a shoe. For example for SNKRS it is crucial to have an account to just have the opportunity to buy an item. Another example is that you get advantages through owning account like free shipping or better chances of copping. Make sure to check on the website itself.


  • check if you gain any advantages, through owning an account, prior to buying

  • check if you NEED an account to buy from that website

3. Differences between Botting and Scripting/Extension

You might have heard one of these terms before and you might ask yourself "What's the difference between a script/extension and a bot.

For a bot it usually counts that the whole checkout is completely automated and you dont have to finish it up.

On the other hand for a script/extension it's not the same. It's possible that it also checks out the product by itself, but depending on the certain extension it defers. The next difference is that you have install the extension to each chrome profile, not like a bot where you only have to install the bot itself.

"Why do we even use a script then?"

A script is essential on drops which are protected by high bot protection which makes it impossible for bots to hit. An extension can rather simulate a human-being and is not directly detected as a computer, if used correctly. Furthermore, depending on the extension, all chrome profiles can be controlled through a CLI or GUI and it can actually work like a bot.

Important: If you run multiple profiles on one computer its crucial to use proxies, otherwise you could get IP-banned, which means you cannot purchase any item on that website.

Here is also important to remember that all shops handle it different.

Captcha is an established security system that is used by a lot of websites in today's world to keep bots/computers of the websites.

As you probably noticed, this might be a problem for us since we want to access the website through a computer/bot. BUT there is an easy fix for that: An Automation that solves these captchas

2Captcha Capsolver

The two listed above are the most renomated services, but of course there is quite a lot of providers and it depends what your bot is matching to, but that will be listed in the bot's guide.

Proxies are random or fixed ip addresses that will prevent the website's protection of knowing you try to buy the shoe multiple times.

More Definitions/Explanations

Last updated