
For Amazon, you need to fill in the following fields in your task file:

  • MODE -> "Normal"

  • REGION -> de / nl / fr / it / es /

  • INPUT -> OfferID / ASIN / URL / "SLEEP" / "WAIT"



  • (WAREHOUSE) -> not currently used

  • (QUANTITY) -> Input the Quantity you want to buy. Only necessary if you want more than 1

Putting SLEEP as INPUT will make the task wait until any other task detects a product to be available. Then the SLEEP task will start with the input from that task.

Putting WAIT as INPUT will make the task wait for your product input. This only makes sense when being used on all tasks in a task file. That way you can use it as a "shockdrop" mode and just paste in an offer id / asin / product url directly into the cli once something drops.

You need accounts setup in the following way:

  • Address saved in the account (any region)

  • Default Payment Method saved in the account (any region)

  • OneClick checkout enabled (not disabled globally)

Also, you need to save your Amazon account login session once. To do this, just start your tasks once WITHOUT PROXIES (for example with input WAIT to not buy anything). That way Onyx will login to your accounts using your local IP, giving best results for long lasting sessions. If the login fails for some reason, the program will tell you what to do to assist the login (most of the times you will have to manually login to the account on your local ip and then restart the tasks)

Thats it :)

Last updated