
Now we are at the most exiting part of our in-house extension. We have created a GUI for you, so you are able to control all your different profiles at once.

Now you might ask yourself,

"Why is that so exiting?"

We are one of the only extensions with an GUI as control panel. As some of you might remember it used to be a CLI, which wasn't bad either, but it was pretty annoying to remember all the different commands.

That problem is now solved through our GUI.

As you can see you no longer have to type anything, you only have to select your needs.

For example, you would like to login all your sessions into Snipes.

  • Select Snipes in the drop down menu

  • After you have successfully selected Snipes, click on login and all your sessions are gonna login into Snipes

Now, because we are highly aware that some of you still need further help, which is no problem at all, we have created a small video guide for you. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

Last updated