Queue IT

For Queue IT, no task files are required. To start tasks, follow these steps:

  • Select 2 in the menu

  • Select the preferred mode. (Normal Mode in 99% of drops)

    Monitor Mode will make 1 task continuously check if the queue is live and if so, start all other tasks

  • Select your preferred proxy file

  • Input the Queue URL

  • Input the amount of tasks you want to join the queue with.

For Queue IT, the "Carts" counter at the top of the program shows how many tasks have successfully joined the queue, "Checkouts" shows how many have passed it.

For some sites, the program will need to solve captchas. For this, you have to have a captcha key inside your config.json file (Refer to )

Once a task passes the queue, you will get a webhook in your discord channel containing 2 different pass links:

The "Mobile" link only contains the queue token, making it possible to use queue passes on mobile devices (your phone) aswell. Clicking on "Queue Passed" will also get you to the mobile link.

The OnyxExtension link can only be used if you have the Onyx Extension installed in your browser. This link also contains the cookies, which are necessary for some queue it sites. To use it, just click on it -> OnyxExtension will do the rest and automatically redirect you.

Thats it :)

Last updated