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In the following guide we will provide you with essential informations about Nike and Snkrs. We will explain the different types of drops and discuss the best ways of being successful on Nike/Snkrs.

General Info

Nike is one of the biggest retailers in the sneaker game! From the beginning of the NIKE and SNKRS app there were already people who botted these sites. Bots in the past were working on the different principle, but the main logic remains same - enter as many entries with uniqe details as you can. More entries => better chance to COP.

In the past months we have seen quite a lot of bans. Depending on the ban it can happen that you will be banned completely of Nike and you won't be able to order any hyped shoes of nike with your details such as your billing address. This can be quite annoying if you have registered a business and your billing address has to be on your name.

Concluding I would advise you to be careful with nike especially with multiple single orders.


There are many ways how to get verified Nike accounts on the market. The most common way is making them by yourself, buying from sellers or generating them yourself. Each account must be registered with unique email and then verified via uniqe phone number. You won't need the phone number again after you have successfully registered your account.

There are some rumors that fresh accounts won't cop right on first drops. Best you can do on fresh account is to make some history of purchases and activity. Every entered raffle or even L with these fresh accounts is ACTIVITY. Your chance of copping with them in the future will be higher. To be clear this is not guaranteed but I have made my experiences with it.... ๐Ÿ˜„ (@MaxMusterman)


If you have decided to create the accounts by yourself you will need new emails and new phone numbers. You can rent phone numbers on different sites. I would highly advise you to use a tool which can generate you hundreds of Account in seconds/minutes.


If you have decided to buy accounts there is several providers which will offer you a good price for accounts. Some providers offer to warm up the accounts, but I would personally not use any service like that, because you cannot be sure how they will warm them up and if you will actually get an advantage.


For Nike botting you can use basically any proxy. Depending on how many releases you will bot and with how many accounts, ISPs or Resis are the personal match for you.

If they work, you are good to go.


In the Section below we have already sumarized the cutial points about j1gging.

๐Ÿ J1gging

Ratio (Payment/Address/Proxy)

What does that even mean?

Nike has an excellent Bot protection, which means if your different accounts match too many details, they will get filtered and you won't be able to take the W.

Solution to the Problem:

If you want to be sure then we recommend a ratio of 1:1:1, which means unique details on each account.

100 accounts -> 100 credit/virtual cards -> 100 proxies -> 100 unique/j1gged addresses

The rule here is the more accounts you are running on one address, the better the j1gs have to be.

Main rule which you need to stick in Nike botting is to have unique details in each case. That means if you running 1, 10 or 100 accounts - each account must be really good J!GGED and u have to use different card per each account. Best success ratio have accounts with unique addresses. But of course, nobody has infinite addies. So if you have time play with your setup, ask your friends and familiy if you can use their names and adresses. Simply 10x accounts using one card and 1 address will be insta flagged.

As it was mentioned above, you gonna need many virtual cards. Best Virtual cards providers are right now Revolut, Revolut Business, ICard, Curve.

For manual users APPLE PAY or GOOGLE PAY is the key! If you will have some troubles while joining queue, make sure to try all methods. Don't stick to one. Paypal could be useful as well.


Since the bot protection for Nike changes constantely, the bots change as well. I won't give you recommendations for bots because they change all the time and there will never be a bot which will work as good forever.

Do your own research! Always the best method anyways... ๐Ÿ˜„


If you want to run hundreds of accounts you will need another instance at some point. The best way is to create a server and run another instance on it. This will allow you to run more accounts and have eventually more success, but of course is a server generating more costs.

We can recommend server providers as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Service or Netcup.

These providers are very solid and you can create server for cheap. Since Nike drops are scheduled, you dont need a root server. Virtual one will be enough. You will start the server before each drop, load tasks and after the drop you will just turnt it off - paying only for the time when server is up. Since u fill save some money on virtual server, you can buy really powerfull one!

If you have any further questions, feel free to open a ticket on our discord server. Bot-Support

Last updated